بِسْمِ اللّهِ الرَّحْمـَنِ الرَّحِيمِ
السلام عليكم
i've been tag by cik izzati...so this is it.. sorry for the minimalization..mls nk berkata lebih..ehe
1. Copy Badge “2008 Cute’s Blogger Award” untuk diletakkan di blog anda
sy juga stuju ngan mbak jati.. merapek r gambar die..huhu..
2. Link atau ceritakan kembali siapa yg memberikan award ini kepada anda
hmm..mbak jati or izzati or wardah who sent me this tag(which i dun really know how it really works) is my usrahmate.. she is really gud at drawing cartoons..mmg tabik ana dgn enti!ing lgi flyer yg kiter buat utk jual brownies dlu?ana masih simpan lgi!ehe... n i really admire her with her knowledge when she talks during our occasional liqo'.. and she realy has high spirit on what we do.. alhamdulillah.. ana rase enti sgt hebat..!
3. Setiap blogger hendaklah menyatakan 10 fakta/hobi diri sendiri
hoby ke?emm..xsmpai 10 kot.. mostly to do with the internet.. kami tiada mase untuk berhobi!
4. anda perlu memilih 5 penerima award seterusnya dan menyertakan nama mereka di blog anda
hmm...sy xske nk tag2 org ni..so this "chain letter" will end here..sorry for the dissapointment!ngeee...
the mok cik /batavia/26 rabiul awal 1430